I remember when I was a child and I had to go to the black-board to make an exercise that I didn't know to make it..... then I felt so alone... all my companions and the teacher vieweing and waiting me... ufff.... and I was so shy...well, hope one of you understand me and like this little illustration, that is again a practicing of illustration for text book or magazines.pencil and photoshop CS
3 comentarios:
Núria, it's me May Ann (frecklefaced29 from DA). I'm dropping to say you something. Congratulations on your 1st DD! *hugs* You should deserve it dear! I'm very happy for you! I didn't know that you got a blog! I really like your recent beautiful illustrations especially Peter Pan for Figures Futur 2006. I hope you win!
Dear, keep it up! I will look forward to seeing your next illustrations on your DA gallery, your blog and your own site. Be happy and unique!
Me gustan los efectos de luz sobre la pizarra... muy conseguidos!!!!!
(espero q no te importe q te escriba en español :P)
Hola Nuria,
acabas de dejar los vínculas a tus páginas en ilustrando y de ahí vengo. Me ha encantado esta ilustración!! Es sencillamente preciosa. Y además es que... ¿a quién no le ha pasado eso de pequeño? XD lo reflejas estupendamente. Está genial reflejado: la pizarra, los colores, la posturilla que casi no llega... XD me encanta.
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